43715 Snow Angel’s Best Friend

Product code # 43715

Snow Angel’s Best Friend

12 Units/ctn

SKU: 43715 Categories: , Tag:


Product code # 43715

Snow Angel’s Best Friend
Description: Surrounded by snow-kissed landscapes, two best friends revel in the season’s joy. One playfully makes a snow angel, while the other, camera in hand, captures the fleeting beauty of the moment they will cherish for years to come. They’re accompanied by their joyful dogs who play alongside them, adding to the joyful winter magic. It’s a scene that celebrates the simple pleasures and the charm of the Christmas season.
  • Approx. size (H x W x D)
    3.35 x 4.33 x 3.35 inches
    8.5 x 11 x 8.5 cm
  • Year Released: 2024
  • Made of: Resin
  • Product type: Table Accents
  • Village: Vail Village

12 Units/ctn